Differences that shape culture bound theory which in turn may affect
hikikomori symptoms.
1-50 A-Z
AISATSU: It is drilled into children from a very
young age to say good-morning, good-afternoon and good evening on absolutely
every single encounter with anybody in your life and also strangers that pass
through your living/working area BUT not
out and about on hikes etc. If these words are not exchanged, a following
encounter with the person may be strained. Posters at schools everywhere and
banners in school playgrounds read “Don’t forget your daily greetings”. A teacher or two will man the gates of
schools, elementary through high school, every morning and every single child
entering the gate is expected to say in a clear polite voice, their morning
greeting. A tremendous amount of kudos and respect is given to ( and kept score
of)those students or members of society who never fail to forget to
appropriately greet with the accompanying slight head bow at all times, to all
members of their group.
This is the OPPOSITE from expectations in the UK, USA etc. where we may pass a
stranger out hiking and greet them but
where it is often considered uneccessary,
too formal or just strange to say these words within the family or one’s close circle of