These swallowed buildings were not on the beach by any means, many stood as far inland as 10 kms (6 miles)..the waves came in fast and steady and that far. The waves came in like an ocean monster's vomit and then sucked back everything in their wake. If you looked back when running and could see a wave you knew you were too close- it was that fast and that devastating.
We drove along the road in the rain that lies parallel to the cut off point of the waves. Behind it..nothing and in front random destruction..some houses without roofs, others still intact. The waves came inland in ghastly frills so one neighbor was spared ..while a whole street of other neighbors adjacent lost their lives and their homes to the oceans sucking monstrous flooding.
Nobody was anywhere to be seen. It was an empty film set. Ghostly carnage. There are no words that convey enough fear and sadness for the dirt and mud and rubble we saw that stretches for miles and miles everywhere you look. It wrenches your soul from your body and sends electric shocks through every single nerve. A roof sitting in the center of the road, a tree with a pair of child's pyjamas wrapped around, a bath tub filled with mud. Everywhere there is a weirdness, a horrible disrespect.
There were a few army (SDF) trucks -at most three trucks we spotted, that is all. The only people we saw were a couple of white plastic coated
Pictures explain everything better ; we took the pictures below in memory through a rain splashed windscreen.
The whole world needs to see these pictures lest we ever dare forget.